5 Immune system booster Must Do's

1. Engage yourself in an moderate exercise.

      Regular moderate exercise like walking or yoga may reduce inflammation and help your cells regenerate consistently.

2. Stay hydrated

     It's always better to keep track on the amount of fluids that are taken during the day as many of us are working remote and forget on what we are drinking. Limit the coffee and try taking different type of herbal teas that may help your body to develop immunity.

3. Eat more plant whole foods

   Whole plant based foods can help your body to restore and develop your health and immunity. Try to eat fresh vegetables and fruits as it has many live enzymes that will help your body in additional ways.

4. Limit adding sugars

  Added sugars and refined carbs are linked to insulin resistance which can cause obesity and overweight that leads to different health problems. Try eating healthy and natural diet to overcome these issues to support better health.

5. Manage Stress

Psychological stress will suppress your immune system and leads to other health issues. Activities like yoga, meditation and some mindful activities will benefit your overall immune system.


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